Input File Specification

This document is a guide to the experiment.yml file which is used as the input file for Experi. This file specifies all the parameters for running an experiment. The experiment.yml file is designed to be a human readable reference to the experimental data it generates; there is no simple method of running the experiment from a different directory.

The experiment.yml file has three main sections each section having a different role in the running of the experiment.

  • The command section defines the shell commands to run the experiment.

  • The variables section defines the variables to substitute into the commands.

  • The scheduler section defines the scheduler to use and the associated options.

Experi uses the YAML file format for the input file since it has widespread use and support and the format is simple for a human to parse. If you are unfamiliar with YAML have a look at this quick guide.


The commands section is one of the main elements of the input file, specifying the commands to run and how to run them. At it’s simplest the command key is a bash command to execute as in the example below.

# experiment.yml

command: echo Hello World

The command key can also take a list of bash commands, executing each of the commands in order.

# experiment.yml

    - echo First Command
    - echo Second Command
    - echo Third Command

Variable Substitution

The power of Experi is taking a single command instance and replacing a variable with it’s values defined under the variables key. Variables take the form of the new style python string formatting, with variable names surrounded by braces — {variable} will be replaced with the value of variable. For more information on these format strings the python string formatting documentation is a reference guide, while is a guide to practical use.

In practice, using variables looks like this;

# experiment.yml

command: echo {nth} Command

Unlike the previous example with a list, there is no guarantee of order for the commands to run. Each combination of variables is effectively a separate command instance which could be running at the same time as any other command instance. Where there is a dependence between tasks, like creating a directory, passing a list to the command key has a guarantee on ordering.

# experiment.yml

    - mkdir -p {variable}
    - echo {variable} > {variable}/out.txt

In the above example, mkdir -p {variable} will always be executed before the file out.txt is written in it.

There is no limit to the number of variables specified to a command however, variables specified in a command need to have a definition in the variables key.

After variable substitution, only unique command objects are run, where uniqueness takes into account all bash commands in a list. This is to allow for the over-specification of variables for certain steps of more complicated workflows (see Jobs). The rationale for this choice is that commands which are non-unique will typically have the same output, overwriting each other. Where this is a problem, adding an echo {variable} to the list within a command key is a reasonable workaround.

Command Failure

When running an array job on a scheduler every command in the array will run even if the first one fails. This is the behaviour that Experi replicates for all environments it can run in. Every combination of variables is executed, with a successful command meaning the exit code for all variables was 0 (success), while if one combination of variables fails then the entire command is considered to have failed.

Managing Complex Jobs

A common component of running an experiment is that the number of tasks changes at different points. An experiment could consist of 3 steps;

  1. An initial phase which generates some starting configurations,

  2. A simulation phase which subjects the starting configurations to a large number experimental conditions,

  3. An analysis phase which aggregates the data from the simulation phase

Here steps 1 and 3 might have a single set of variables, while step 2 has hundreds. Experi has the jobs keyword to facilitate these types of experiments.

    - command: echo "Command 1"
    - command:
        - mkdir -p {var}
        - cd {var}
        - echo "Command 2 {var}"
    - command: echo "Command 3"

The jobs key allows you to break an experiment into a list of commands, with each separate command being a different job on the scheduler. Each of command key is the same as described in the above sections.


I should note that the command key will work fine when submitting a job to the scheduler, the above example can be expressed with a single command key

    1. echo "Command 1"
    2. mkdir -p {var}
    3. cd {var}
    4. echo "Command 2 {var}"
    5. echo "Command 3"

The difference is that in the first example Command 1 and Command 3 are only echoed once, while in this example they are both echoed for each value of {var}.

When using the jobs keyword, a prerequisite of executing the next set of commands is a successful exit code of all shell commands executed in the current command key. This is making the assumption that all experimental conditions are going to succeed and are required for the following steps. This makes a lot of sense for a setup step, although less so for a search of parameter space where it is likely to have numeric instabilities. I have an open issue to allow for the user override of this feature, although a workaround in the meantime is to suffix commands which might fail with || true. This is the or operator followed by a command which will always succeed—another more informative alternative is to echo a message. This means that the return value of the shell command always indicates success.


This is where the real power of experi lies, in being able to specify complex sets of variables in a simple human readable fashion. Variables are specified using the names as given in the command section. The simplest case is for a single value of a variable

# experiment.yml

command: echo hello {name}

    name: Alice

Specifying lists of variables can be done in the same way as the commands, again for this simple case,

        - Alice
        - Bob
        - Charmaine

Multiple Variables

Specifying multiple variables is as simple as specifying a single variable, however by default, all possible combinations of the variables are generated. In the simplest case, with just a single value per variable

command: echo {greeting} {name}
    greeting: hello
    name: Alice

the resulting of the command would be hello Alice. To greet multiple people we just add more names

comamnd: echo {greeting} {name}
    greeting: hello
        - Alice
        - Bob
        - Charmaine

which would result in

hello Alice
hello Bob
hello Charmaine

We have all possible combinations of the greeting and the name. Extending this, to greet all the people in both English and French we can add both the greetings, and all the names giving the input file

command: echo {greeting} {name}
        - hello
        - bonjour
        - Alice
        - Bob
        - Charmaine

and resulting in the output

hello Alice
hello Bob
hello Charmaine
bonjour Bob
bonjour Alice
bonjour Charmaine



In the above examples we are using the try everything approach, however there is more control over how variables are specified. By default we are using a product iterator, which could be explicitly defined like so

command: echo {greeting} {name}
            - hello
            - bonjour
            - Alice
            - Bob
            - Charmaine

Note that the product iterator doesn’t support a list of variables. There is way that a list of values makes sense, so will raise a ValueError.

Zip Iterator

However, if we know that Alice speaks English, Bob speaks French, and Charmaine speaks Spanish we can use a similar specification, however instead of a product iterator we can use zip.

command: echo {greeting} {name}
            - hello
            - bonjour
            - hola
            - Alice
            - Bob
            - Charmaine

This is just the python zip function under the hood, and will produce the output

hello Alice
bonjour Bob
hola Charmaine

This definition of the iterator applies to all variables defined in the level directly under the iterator. So if we wanted to echo to the screen and assuming we are on macOS use the say command,

command: {command} {greeting} {name}
        - echo
        - say
            - hello
            - bonjour
            - holj
            - Alice
            - Bob
            - Charmaine

In the above specification, we are applying the zip iterator to the variables greeting and name, however all the resulting values will then use the product iterator, resulting in the following sequence of commands.

echo hello Alice
echo bonjour Bob
echo hola Charmaine
say hello Alice
say bonjour Bob
say hola Charmaine

In more complicated contexts multiple zip iterators are supported by having each set of values nested in a list.

        - var1: [1, 2, 3]
          var2: [4, 5, 6]
        - var3: ['A', 'B', 'C']
          var4: ['D', 'E', 'F']

Which will zip var1 and var2, separately zip var3 and var4, then take the product of the result of those two operations.

Chain Iterator

This handles the scenario where a single simulation has separate components, which in my case is two separate pressures. Each pressure I run the simulation at has a different sequence of temperatures

        - pressure: 1.0
          temperature: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
        - pressure: 13.0
          temperature: [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]

This will generate the list of values

pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.2
pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.3
pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.4
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 1.0
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 1.5
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 2.0

The append keyword is an alias for chain and operates in exactly the same way.

Cycle Iterator

This is an iterator which is particularly useful when combined with the chain and zip iterators. It will cycle through a sequence of values a specified number of times

        times: 2
        steps: [100, 10, 1]

This will give the list

steps: 100
steps: 10
steps: 1
steps: 100
steps: 10
steps: 1

Which when combined with the chain example above we can get

      - pressure: 1.0
        temperature: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4]
      - pressure: 13.0
        temperature: [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]
      times: 2
      steps: [100, 10, 1]

Where the number of steps follows the change in temperature.

pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.2, steps: 100
pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.3, steps: 10
pressure: 1.0, temperature: 0.4 steps: 10
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 1.0, steps: 100
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 1.5, steps: 10
pressure: 13.0, temperature: 2.0, steps: 1

Arange Iterator

In cases where the number of values for a variable are too numerous to list manually, Experi supports a range iterator, specified using arange like below

    arange: 100

arange reflects the use of the NumPy arange function to generate the values, and is less likely to be a variable name. Like the NumPy function this iterators supports arguments for start, stop, step and dtype, which can all be specified as key value pairs

        start: 100
        stop: 110
        step: 2.5
        dtype: float

which will set var to [100., 102.5 105., 107.5]. In this case this specification is not particularly helpful, however, for hundreds of values

        stop: 500
        step: 5

this approach is a definite improvement.


This section is for the specification of the options for submission to a job scheduler.

The simplest case is just specifying

pbs: True

which will submit the job to the scheduler using the default values which are

    ncpus: 1
    select: 1
    walltime: 1:00
    setup: ''

Of these default values setup is the only one that should require explaining. This is a sequence of commands in the pbs file that setup the environment, like loading modules, modifying the PATH, activating a virtual end, etc. They are just inserted at the top of the file before the command is run.

        - module load hoomd
        - export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

While there are some niceties to make specifying options easier it is possible to pass any option by using the flag as the dictionary key like in the example below with the mail address M and path to the output stream o

    o: dest